Not sure how to bring out the best in your images?

After watching countless YouTube tutorials, you still feel like you’re missing something. How do you get your images to look polished and professional and start attracting your dream clients?

Better Photo Editing in 5 days Challenge 💪

Elevate your photo editing in just 5 days. All you have to do is sign up and take the free Challenge! We'll send video tutorials straight to your inbox.

We don't send spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

Welcome to the Better Photo Editing in 5 days Challenge!

During the Challenge, you will learn easy tweaks to elevate your editing and build consistency in your work, so your images look polished and cohesive.

Did we mention it's completely free?! 👀 

By the end of the challenge you will be editing with confidence and efficiency, bringing out the very best in your photos.


⏱️ Learn Quickly

Daily, bite-size videos. Over 5 days. In under 10 minutes a day.

🎨 Expert Guidance

Follow along and gain insight into how we approach editing from 10+ years of experience.

👩‍💻 Practical Skills

Learn practical tips that you can immediately apply in your editing.

Let's break it down... 👇

Day 1️⃣ Perfecting lens corrections & straightening.
Day 2️⃣ Nail your exposure, white balance & skin tones.
Day 3️⃣ Easiest airbrushing you'll ever do.
Day 4️⃣ Practical keyboard shortcuts to save you time.
Day 5️⃣ Fun editing techniques - get creative and playful in your photo editing.

Imagine having a consistent editing style that makes your photos instantly recognizable

Confidently edit your images to look polished & professional. 😍

In just five days you will have all the tools to nail your editing. 😎

From 😓 to 🤩

Do you feel like your images are just not quite at the standard you want? 

Lets make some quick tweaks to instantly make your images more polished and professional. On Day 1 you will learn how to quickly correct lens distortions and colour fringing and what to look for when straightening your images.

Blown out highlights, super dark shadows and skin tones that don’t look right

You can fix that! On Day 2 you will learn how to quickly balance an image, using exposure and white balance. Get these editing basics right for images that your clients will love.

Does the thought of airbrushing skin sound super overwhelming?

Maybe you have no idea where to start. By the end of Day 3 you will know how to very quickly smooth out skin tones, ensuring your photos look polished and your clients are blown away by how good they look.

Are you dying at the thought of your editing workload?

Let’s speed up your editing with keyboard shortcuts! In this video you will learn 10 super practical keyboard shortcuts - we literally use these ALL. THE. TIME. Save yourself precious time.

Bored with your editing style?

Have you ever wondered how to make your photos look more like film? Day 5 is a bit of fun! You will learn some very quick ways to add a filmy vibe to your photos. Keeping colours true is important, but don’t forget you’re also an artist, you’re allowed to be creative and playful in your photo editing.

Sign up for this 5-day challenge in just 3 simple steps.

Step 1.

Fill out the form with you name and email. No spam, we promise!

Step 2.

Look out for the confirmation email in your inbox. If it's not there, it may be in your spam folder.

Step 3.

Keep an eye out for the daily emails in your inbox, starting the day after you sign up!

Join the FREE Editing Challenge

You will walk away knowing how to:

  • quickly make lens corrections & straighten images
  • nail your exposure, white balance & skin tones
  • easily airbrush and retouch your images
  • use keyboard shortcuts to save you time
  • get creative with fun editing techniques

Who are we?

Hey friend 👋

We are Trent and Jessie. We've been photographing weddings for over 10 years.

We have shot weddings all over Australia and have even shot weddings overseas.

Now we want to help you!

You're probably grinding away, working on your dreams, but you haven't quite figured everything out... and that's okay!

You may be working a 9-5, dreaming of making photography a full time gig.

Wherever you are on the journey, you'll need a helping hand.

We're on a mission to help you unlock the keys to building a business that you love. We'll be there for you, cheering you on 🎉

If you're ready to take action, let us join you on your journey.


Elevate your photo editing in just 5 days.

Are you ready to take the challenge?